Welcome to Kids Lit Express!

This blog is for people like me who loved reading books as a kid and who still enjoy reading childrens books, not because I have kids or work with kids -- simply because I really enjoy childrens books. There are a lot of wonderfully written and illustrated books for children, and it is their simplicity that always amazes me. You have to be a good writer to write for children, because you don't get a lot of words to convey your meaning.

So, do you enjoy reading children's books? What are your favorite books or authors? Do you like picture books? Why do you enjoy reading books for children? Is there any one book that got you started?

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Here Lies Arthur by Philip Reeve

Here Lies Arthuris one of those books that takes a concept -- here it's King Arthur -- and turns it on its head. Sometimes it works -- like with Ella Enchanted -- but this one didn't for me. This story follows a young girl named Gwyna who is taken in by Arthur's PR person, Myrddin (Merlin). It seems that Myrddin is in the business of making Arthur the greatest king that ever lived by creating stories about him that make him sound wonderful. The problem is, the Arthur in this book is a not bright, sadistic, bullying guy -- not the "real" Arthur of legend that I know and love.

While Gwyna is an intriguing character -- especially as she spends some time disguised as a boy -- I really didn't like how Reeve made Arthur out to be such an incredible blood-thirsty double-dealing jerk.

But that's just me.

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